
24 December 2020 | All news | Bachelor programs

Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU) holds an annual Olympiad for the business school applicants «Modern manager». In 2020, together with  University 20.35 the updated format was launched. Now, the participants can take educational intensive courses from University 20.35 and other partners. The winners will get additional points on admission to GSOM SPbU bachelor programs in 2021. 

13 November 2020 | All news | Bachelor programs

Graduate School of Management of St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU) twice a year holds Management Career Week (MCW) — an event enabling students to get acquainted with career growth opportunities.  In the run-up to the MCW 2020: Autumn we talked with Gleb — a final year student in the profile of Logistics and an intern at P&G company. He told about selection of a company for summer internship, work in remote ways and continuation of a paid internship.

10 August 2020 | All news | Alumni | Master programs

Ekaterina Baranova is a second-year student of the MiM program at the Graduate School of Management, St. Petersburg State University (GSOM SPbU). Together with the team, she founded the startup accelerator STARTUP HUB, a project supported by the business school. We learned from Ekaterina why a startup accelerator is needed, whether it is easy to find a good idea for a project, and business cannot do without mistakes.

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